Geo-Cradle Kick-Off Meeting, 18-19/02/2016, Athens

The Kick-Off (KO) Meeting of the GEO-CRADLE project
It will take place at the IONIC CENTRE (Plaka, Athens) on February, 18 and 19, 2016.
Kick-Off Meeting’s agendas, venue and accommodation are available below.
Brief History
The Ionic Centre for Scientific, Cultural and Spiritual Study was founded in 1977 on the Aegean island of Chios. After many years of activity on the island, the Centre established a second home in Athens, in the historic area of Plaka, at the foot of the Acropolis. A developing important for learning and research in the area, The Ionic Centre provides a setting for the study of culture while it places a focus on the philosophical and scientific questions facing presently mankind.
Uniquely located by the Athens Acropolis, at the heart of the city’s historical and cultural centre, The Ionic Centre is easily accessible – by car, by Metro and bus.
The facility is surrounded by 3 Metro stations – the Acropolis, Syntagma and Monastiraki – while it is minutes’ walk from Syntagma Square and Athens’ metropolitan hub of services and transport.
To reach it by car, one turns right from Amalias Avenue – just across from Adrian’s Gate – into odos Lysicratous, right on Shelley, that becomes Tripodwn, on to Lysiou, left, and to the ‘Iwniko Kentro’.
The Ionic Centre is also conveniently surrounded by 5 Parking areas, where group parking reservations may also be timely arranged.
For more information please email to the appropriate department:
The Hellenic Studies Program :
Cultural Activities and Events :
Filoxenia Facilities & Services :
Or contact the Centre’s Information Office in Athens:
The Ionic Centre
11 Lysiou Street
10556 Athens, Greece
Telephone: +30 210 3246614
Fax: +30 210 3214412
We are pleased to inform you that for the above mentioned event have made specially rate arrangements at the Herodion and Phillipos Hotels.
The Herodion Hotel is asuperior, first class hotel with an elegant contemporary look, contrasting to its ancient and historic environment. The spectacular view of the Acropolis and its warm hospitality has built the character and reputation of the hotel. It is designed to meet the needs of the most discerning business and leisure travelers.
The family owned Philippos Hotel is the most ideally located in the heart of the old city district, only a two minutes walk from the Acropolis, thePlaka, theHerodus Atticus ancient theater and the new museum of the Acropolis.
The Metro Station Acropolis is a few steps away from the hotel as well as the tram
way station, only one stop away from the main shopping and business. Herodion and Phillipos Hotels Locations
Getting there. Please send the reservation forms directly to the Central Reservations Department of Hotels.
Herodion Hotel 4 Rovertou Galli str. Acropolis, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 923 6832 Email: |
Philippos Hotel 3 Mitseon str. Acropolis, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 922 3611 Email: |
A social Dinner will take place at the Kostis Palamas building and the cost is 20 euros per person.
Kostis Palamas building Akadimias 48 & Sina, Athens
Geo-Cradle Kick-Off Meeting Map Locations
You can find the presentations given at the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) and pre Kick-Off Meeting (PKOM) below:
NB: Please note that only sessions presentations that the authors gave the approval to be published have been uploaded.
All the presentations of Geo-Cradle’s Kick-Off Meeting can be downloaded from here.
GEO-CRADLE Kick-Off Meeting | Friday, 19th of February, 2016 | |||
1 | Introductory Session: Team Presentation, Project Overview and H2020 Guidelines | ||
1.1 | GEO-CRADLE Overview: Project objectives and overall approach | C. Kontoes (NOA) | [Presentation] |
1.2 | The European GEO context for GEO-CRADLE by EC Project Officer | Jose Miguel Rubio Iglesias, DG
Research & Innovation, I4 |
[Presentation] |
1.3 | H2020 Project Management Guidelines by EC project officers | Gaëlle Le Bouler (EC/EASME)
Malgorzata Rogival (EC/EASME) |
[Presentation] |
1.4 | Financial and legal matters | Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | [Presentation] |
2 | Panel Session 1: Project Coordination and Management | ||
2.1 | Brief Presentations on management structure and tools, regional coordination and liaison activities | Project Coordination Team | [Presentation] |
3 | Panel Session 2: Regional EO capacities, gaps and priorities | ||
3.1 | Inventory of regional capacities and user needs | Panel led by CIMA with the participation of WP2 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
3.2 | Gap Analysis, indicators and priorities | Panel led by INS with the participation of WP3 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
4 | Panel Session 3: Contributions to specific challenges, GEOSS and Copernicus | ||
4.1 | Pilots towards Regional Challenges | Panel led by IBEC with the participation of WP4 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
4.2 | Regional Contribution to GEOSS and Copernicus | Panel led by NOA with the participation of WP5 Task leaders | [Presentation 1] |
5 | Panel Session 4: Engagement and Exploitation | ||
5.1 | Communication and Engagement | Panel led by NOA with the participation of WP6 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
5.2 | Impact and Exploitation | Presentation by EARSC and NOA | [Presentation] |
All the presentations of Geo-Cradle’s Pre Kick-Off Meeting can be downloaded from here.
GEO-CRADLE Pre Kick-Off Meeting | Thursday, 18th of February, 2016 | |||
1 | EuroGeoSurveys(EGS) networking event | ||
1A | GEO-CRADLE project presentations | EGS | |
1A.1 | National Observatory of Athens (NOA) | C. Kontoes | [Presentation] |
1A.3 | Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group from EuroGeoSurveys (EOEG) | Gerardo Herrera | [Presentation] |
1A.4 | Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group from EuroGeoSurveys (EOEG)
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME) |
Eleftheria Poyiadji | [Presentation] |
1B & 1C | Presentations of every Geological Survey | EGS | |
1B.1 | EO-MINERS and Minerals 4EU | Veronika Kopačková
Czech Geological Survey (CGS) |
[Presentation] |
1B.2 | FOREGS Geochemical Atlas of Europe and GEMAS – GEochemical Mapping of Agricultural and grazing land Soil of Europe | Alexandros (Alecos) Demetriades
EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group |
[Presentation] |
1B.3 | Integrated Technologies for Minerals Exploration, Pilot Project for Nickel Ore Deposits : RAW MATERIALS & EARTH OBSERVATION -EO | Dr. Marianthi Stefouli
[Presentation] |
1B.4 | SNAP-SEE: Sustainable Aggregates Planning in South East Europe | Kiki Hatzilazaridou
[Presentation] |
1B.5 | ProMine: Nano-particle products from new mineral resources in Europe | Vassiliki Angelatou
[Presentation] |
1B.6 | GEO.M.IN.D.: Geophysical Multilingual Internet-Driven Information Service
In.Geo.Cloud.S.: INspired GEOdata CLOUD Services |
Dr. Artemios Atzemoglou
[Presentation] |
1C.1 | AGS: Albanian Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.2 | HGI-CGS: Croatian Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.3 | GSDC: Geological Survey Department of Cyprus | [Presentation] | |
1C.4 | CGS: Czech Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.5 | FBiHGeological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina | [Presentation] | |
1C.6 | GSRM: Geological Survey of the Republic of Macedonia | [Presentation] | |
1C.7 | IGME: Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration | [Presentation] | |
1C.8 | KGS: Kosovo Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.9 | GSM: Geological Survey of Montenegro | [Presentation] | |
1C.10 | GSRSBH: Geological Survey of the Republic of Srpska | [Presentation] | |
1C.11 | GIR: Geological Institute of Romania | [Presentation] | |
2 | Regional workshop on WP2 – Inventory of capacities and user needs | ||
2.1 | Introduction & Overview of WP2 requirements
Introduce the goals, agenda and outline of WP2 Overview of contract requirements
(WP2 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.2 | Previous experience in inventorying the RoI
(from other regional GEO and Copernicus projects) |
All | |
2.2.1 | BRAGMA: Bridging Actions for GMES and Africa | Hend Ben Hadji
[Presentation] |
2.2.2 | Highlights of EO-MINERS FP7 Projects | Eyal Ben Dor
Tel Aviv University |
[Presentation] |
2.2.3 | PanAfGEO project | EuroGeoSurveys
Polish Geological Institue – National Research Institute POLAND |
[Presentation] |
2.2.4 | TÜBİTAK UZAY | Space Technologies Research Institute | [Presentation] |
2.2.5 | Balkan GEO Net | Grigoris Chatzikostas
InoSens |
[Presentation] |
2.2.6 | Implementation of a Balkan Land Monitoring System | inter-Balkan Environment Center (i-BEC) | [Presentation] |
2.2.7 | PanGeo Project | Gerardo Herrera
EuroGeoSurveys |
[Presentation] |
2.3 | Space-borne capacities (T2.1) | CIMA
(T2.1 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.4 | In-Situ Networks (T2.2) | EGS
(T2.2 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.5 | Modelling and Computing Facilities (T2.3) | IPB
(T2.3 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.6 | User Need Analysis (T2.4) | EURISY
(T2.4 Leader) |
[Presentation] |