- GEO-CRADLE session at GEPW, 21/06/2017, Helsinki
- GEO-CRADLE at EARSC session, GEPW, 20/06/2017, Helsinki
- GEO-CRADLE at 11th GEO European Projects Workshop, 19-21/06/2017, Helsinki
- GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop, 25/05/2017, Cairo
- GEO-CRADLE at ΚΕΔΕ City Challenge Crowdhackathon Smartcity, 12-14/05/2017, Athens
- GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop, 9/05/2017, Bucharest
- GEO-CRADLE at the „Improving EO services industry involvement in EU space programmes and initiatives“, 26/04/2017, Brussels
- GEO-CRADLE at the 2nd Data Providers Workshop, 20-21/04/2017, Florence
- GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop, 24/03/2017, Sofia
- GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop, 02/02/2017, Abu Dhabi
- GEO-CRADLE in the Global Space Congress 31/01 – 1/02/2017, Abu Dhabi
- GEO-CRADLE Partner at the 9th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium, 11-13/01/2017, Tokyo, Japan
- GEO-CRADLE networking event, 03/01/2017, Chişinău, Moldova
- GEO-CRADLE in the UNOSD Expert Group for water food energy resilience in Mid-Lat Region, 28/11/2016 Seoul
- GEO-CRADLE project meeting to refine and launch the pilot activities, 16-17/11/2016, Limassol
- GEO-CRADLE partners at GEO-XIII Plenary & Exhibition, 7-10/11/2016, St. Petersburg
- GEO-CRADLE & the 2nd EuroGeoSurveys Networking Meeting, 17-23/10/2016, Morocco and Algeria
- GEO-CRADLE at ConnectinGEO Workshop on Gap Analysis and Prioritization, 10-11/10/2016, Laxenburg
- GEO-CRADLE at Copernicus Information and Training Session, 7/10/2016, Athens
- GEO-CRADLE at MEDCLIVAR, 26-30/09/2016, Athens
- GEO-CRADLE at the „EU Research and Innovation in Support of the Earth Observation Market“ Workshop, 21-22/09/2016, Brussels
- GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop, 14-15/07/2016, Novi Sad
- GEO-CRADLE at the 7th Global Digital Soil Mapping Workshop, 27/06-1/07, 2016, Aarhus
- GEO-CRADLE session in the 10th GEO European Projects Workshop, 31/05-2/06, 2016, Berlin
- GEO-CRADLE Kick-Off Meeting, 18-19/02/2016, Athens
- Soil, Spectroscopy and SSL – Eyal Ben Dor & Yaron Ogen, Webinar
- Case studies that are promoted as priorities in GEO-CRADLE; can they potentially be linked to EO market uptake at regional level and which is the expected impact for the regions – Lefteris Mamais, Helsinki
- Engagement of stakeholders and networking – Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Helsinki
- GEO-CRADLE dissemination activities promoting GEO and Copernicus in the regions – Eleni Christia, Helsinki
- The GEO-CRADLE project in support to the SDGs implementation and EO industry’s engagement -Dr. Haris Kontoes, Helsinki
- Pilot Activities: Access to Solar Energy – Dr. Stelios Kazadzis, Cairo
- Pilot Activities: Access to Solar Energy – Dr. Hesham M. El-Askary, Cairo
- Pilot Activities: Access to Solar Energy – Eng. Ehab Ismail Amin on behalf of Dr. Eng. Mohamed Mostafa El-Khayat, Cairo
- Pilot Activities: Adaptation to Climate Change (Desert Dust Focus) – Dr. Hesham M. El-Askary, Cairo
- Pilot Activities: Adaptation to Climate Change (Desert Dust Focus) – Dr. Islam Abou El-Magd, Cairo
- Pilot Activities: Improved Food Security – Water Extremes Management – Ms. Alexia Tsouni, Cairo
- Pilot Activities: Access to Raw Materials – Ms. Eleni Christia, Cairo
- Presentation of the GEO CRADLE networking platform – Ms. Alexia Tsouni, Cairo
- Copernicus and GEO opportunities for Egypt and the region – Ms. Eleni Christia, Cairo
- GEO-CRADLE opportunities for Egypt and the region – Dr. Haris Kontoes, Cairo
- Environmental Challenges and Earth Observation solutions in Egypt – Dr. Omar Elbadawy, Cairo
- Success stories: Projects in Balkan Region – best practices, needs and challenges – Mr. Igor Milosavljevic, Bucharest
- GEO-CRADLE portal & survey – Ms. Alexia Tsouni, Bucharest
- GEO-CRADLE pilot studies – Ms. Luminita Marmureanu, Bucharest
- GEO-CRADLE project in context of regional needs -Dr. Haris Kontoes, Bucharest
- GEO-CRADLE: Fostering regional cooperation and roadmap for GEO and Copernicus implementation in North Africa, Middle East and Balkans – Dr. Haris Kontoes, Brussels
- The GEO-CRADLE Regional Data Hub tool: A vision for a regional GEOSS Portal – Dr. Anna Polychroniou, Florence
- The GEO-CRADLE Regional Data Hub tool: Utilizing the GEO DAB APIs for easy access and discovery of regional EO data – Mr. Vassilis Tsironis, Florence
- GEO-CRADLE contribution towards inventorying of capacities and user needs, gap analysis, maturity indicators and priorities, addressing regional challenges (in the fields of adaptation to climate change, improved food security and water extremes management, better access to raw materials and energy) and implementing GEOSS & Copernicus – Ms Alexia Tsouni, Chişinău
- Presentation of the GEO-CRADLE survey of the regional Earth Observation (EO) capacities – Ms Alexia Tsouni, Chişinău
- The Israel (GEO) Activities – Prof. Eyal Ben Dor, Tolyo
- GEO-CRADLE: Fostering regional cooperation and roadmap for GEO and Copernicus implementation in North Africa, Middle East and Balkans – Dr. Haris Kontoes, Abu Dhabi
- Access to Copernicus Data Overview and Introduction – Mrs. Alexia Tsouni, Abu Dhabi
- GEO-CRADLE: Survey of the regional EO capacities & information needs – Mrs. Alexia Tsouni, Abu Dhabi
- The challenge to identify regional datasets to be linked to the GEO-CRADLE Regional Data Hub – Dr. Haris Kontoes, St. Petersburgh
- Fostering regional cooperation and roadmap for GEO and Copernicus implementation in N. Africa, Middle East, and the Balkans. The Regional Data Hub – Dr. Haris Kontoes, Seoul
- Interview of Dr. Haris Kontoes at National Televison about Copernicus Information and Training Session on 7/10/2016 – Dr. Haris Kontoes, Athens
- The GEO-CRADLE Project: Integration of Earth Observation Activities in the Regions of North Africa, Middle East and Balkans, for improved adaptation to climate change – Dr. Haris Kontoes, Athens
- Utilization of the Internal Soil Standard (ISS) Method to Optimize the Exchange of Soil Spectral Libraries – Prof. Eyal Ben Dor, Aarhus
- The role of the Greek Sentinel Collaborative Ground Segment for the Copernicus & GEO data commercial uptake in the region of Balkans, Middle East & North Africa – Dr. Ioannis Papoutsis, Brussels
- GEO-CRADLE Dissemination Activities in North Africa – Prof. Hesham El-Askary