1st Regional Round Table to promote Sustainable Development in the Balkans

The 1st Round table aiming to develop an integrated programme and an inter-regional initiative to achieve the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the Balkan Peninsula was carried out successfully in Vlasti Kozani, Greece on Saturday 17th of June, under the auspices of the Group on Earth Observation [GEO] the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Posts. The Region of Western Macedonia and the Decentralized Administration of Epirus and Western Macedonia organized and hosted the activities of event, while Interbalkan Environment Center [i-BEC] acted as the accelerator of the whole endeavor in the Balkan region being Participating Organization of GEO. Mrs. Katerina Notopoulou from the Prime Minister’s Office also honored the event with her presence.
For the action plan of the Round Table here.
Further material, presentations & videos on the i-bec website and on the GEO website.
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