"EU Research and Innovation in Support of the Earth Observation Market" Workshop

Registration and Call for Speakers OPEN
The workshop organised by DG RTD will take place in Brussels on 21-22 September.
It will start on 21st September in the morning (with registration opening at 08:30 AM) and will be adjourned on 22nd September at 05:00 pm. The participation at the workshop of commercial actors, research organisations, and users interested in accessing and developing geospatial/Earth observation services and products is particularly welcome.
The registration is now open for participants and speakers here where you can find preliminary information and a draft agenda for the workshop as well as some background information.Further details of the venue and logistic information such as a list of hotels near the facilities of the workshop will be provided in the weeks to come.
In the registration form you will find the possibility to request a time slot to present relevant activities, results and future plans related to the topics covered by the workshop in one of the six break-out sessions detailed on the website. A limited number of requests to speak at the plenary sessions may also be considered.
We would therefore kindly ask you to express your interest to contribute with an oral presentation by 20th July 2016.
The organisers will study all the proposals and will try to accommodate your request in the programme taking into consideration the relevance of the topic of your contribution to the session requested and the slots available. Therefore, you will receive a confirmation of the accepted nature of your contribution after 20th July.
Please note however that registration for attendees-only will close later, on 07 September 2016.
Should you have any questions, please contact Edita Kuzmova (Edita.KUZMOVA@ec.europa.eu)
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