GEO-CRADLE is organising a series of Regional Workshops!
These regional workshops focus on identifying the potential local challenges and needs that can be addressed with the Earth Observation (EO), enabling more informed decision making, while seeking solutions to enhance growth and innovation in the geo-information sector. Aiming to support knowledge sharing, capacity building and an enhanced cooperation between academia and industry, the events also provide participants with a unique cross-sector networking opportunity. In addition, panel discussions are complemented with information on available EU funding in the EO sector. We are looking forward to welcoming you to these events and we are certain that your presence and input will greatly enrich our discussions!
See also the outcomes of the events which have taken place recently:
- GEO-CRADLE Networking Event, 03/01/2017, Chişinău, Moldova
- GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop, 02/02/2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE
GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop
24/03/2017 Sofia, Bulgaria
GEO-CRADLE at the Dalogue 5+5: Third Ministerial Conference on Research Innovation and Higher Education
30-31/03/2017, Tunis
GEO-CRADLE partner Telecommunications Research and Studies Centre (CERT) of Tunis, will participate in the Dialogue 5+5: Third Ministerial Conference on Research Innovation and Higher Education on 30th and 31st of March in Tunis.
The third Ministerial Conference aims at strengthening partnerships in research, innovation and higher education to further stimulate economic growth, job creation and social cohesion in the Western Mediterranean region.
GEO-CRADLE at GEOSS Data Providers Workshop
20 - 21/04/2017 Florence, Italy
GEO-CRADLE on behalf of GEOSS would like to invite potential and future data providers of the GEO-CRADLE DataHub to the 2nd GEO Data Providers Workshop. Whether your data is already brokered by the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), or your data could be integrated as a new resource in GEOSS, this workshop is for you.
GEO-CRADLE Industry Engagement Workshop
26/04/2017 Brussels, Belgium
The GEO-CRADLE Industry Engagement workshop will take place in Brussels on 26th April 2017. DG GROW has kindly agreed to host the event in the Breydel building near Schumann. The workshop will provide information to stakeholders - primarily those from the EO services industry - on the status and goals and objectives of the GEO-CRADLE project. It will enable those working on the project to make their activities to build regional capacity and to develop a large network in the region known to a wider industrial network under the umbrella of EARSC. The half-day workshop will be held the same day as another workshop on industrial engagement with the Copernicus Services also being organised by EARSC. Further information will be shortly available.
You can register here to participate the Workshop.
PRE-TECT: A GEO-CRADLE experiment to evaluate dust forecasting service developed for ACC pilot
1 - 30/4/2017, Finokalia, Crete
In the framework of the GEO-CRADLE Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC) pilot, NOA along with the network partners organizes the PRE-TECT experimental campaign in order to run and validate the desert dust forecasting module of the pilot. Moreover, advanced ground-based radiation measurements will be used to evaluate the SENSE energy system for the determination of solar energy.
The experiment will take place from 1st to 30th April 2017, aiming to advance the ACC and Energy GEO-CRADLE pilots. Detailed information on the participants and the instrumentation can be found under
GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop
9-10/05/2017 Romania
We cordially invite you to participate in the Regional Workshop of the GEO-CRADLE Horizon2020 project. The event is jointly organized by the Project Coordinator National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Project Partner National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics (INOE).
It will take place on 9-10 May 2017 at Magurele, Ilfov, Romania. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event and we are certain that your presence and input will greatly enrich our discussions.
GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop
25/05/2017 Cairo, Egypt
GEO-CRADLE at 11th GEO European Projects Workshop
19 - 21/06/2017 Helsinki, Finland
GEO-CRADLE will participate in the 11th GEO European Projects Workshop.The purpose of the conference is to bring together European stakeholders interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS).The event is a forum to exchange ideas and inform participants about work and initiatives undertaken in the context of GEOSS.
The conference is organised by the European Commission and Finish Meteorological Institute.
GEO-CRADLE in the Global Space Congress
31/1/2017 - 1/2/2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dr Haris Kontoes, NOA Research Director and GEO-CRADLE Coordinator, was kindly invited by the UAE Space Agency, to participate the Congress by delivering a presentation in the session “Earth Observation and Planetary Symposium”.
GEO-CRADLE in the UNOSD Expert Group for water food energy resilience in Mid-Lat Region
28/11/2016, Seoul, South Korea
The 2016 EGM convened on 28-29 November 2016 in Seoul, Republic of Korea and organized by the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) in collaboration with Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Korea, Korean Ministry of Environment and Korea University. This EGM brought experts from the developing countries of the mid-latitude regions to better understand the interdependence of water-food-ecosystem in a scientific perspective by sharing respective knowledge, challenges and opportunities to achieve the SDGs in that specific region. It also aimed to build a professional network between the participants to promote further study and active debate on cross-sectoral integration and the water-food-ecosystem resilience.
GEO-CRADLE Partner at GEO XIII Plenary and Exhibition
07 - 10 /11 /2016, St. Petersburg, Russia
GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop
2/2/2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE
This regional workshop focused on identifying the potential local challenges hindering the Earth Observation (EO) market uptake and business performances, while seeking solutions to enhance growth and innovation in the geo-information sector. Aiming to support knowledge sharing and an enhanced cooperation between academia and industry, the event also provided participants with a unique cross-sector networking opportunity. In addition, panel discussions were complemented with information on available EU funding in the EO sector.
GEO-CRADLE networking events
3/1/2017,Chişinău, Moldova
GEO-CRADLE fosters regional cooperation and integration of monitoring capabilities, networks, and scientific skills in the direction of a roadmap for GEO and Copernicus implementation in North Africa, Middle East and Balkans. Moldova is part of the Balkans, therefore it belongs in the region of interest of GEO-CRADLE. GEO-CRADLE has proactively engaged and keeps engaging with the relevant regional stakeholders (data/service providers, decision makers, and SMEs) in a series of consultation activities including surveys, interviews, workshops and bilateral exchanges, in order to identify gaps and needs in relation to common regional challenges. In the context of this effort, the objective of the GEO-CRADLE Networking Event, which took place on 3 January 2017 in Chișinău, Moldova, was to present to the State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) of the Republic of Moldova the project’s objectives, current activities and expected outcomes, as well as to identify the EO capacities and discuss the relevant needs of SHS and Moldova, and finally to explore the possibilities for cooperation and future perspectives. The meeting was organised by GEO-CRADLE Project Coordinator NOA, and was kindly hosted by the SHS.
GEO-CRADLE project meeting to refine and launch the pilot activities
16-17/11/2016, Limassol, Cyprus
GEO-CRADLE has proactively engaged and keeps engaging with the relevant regional stakeholders (data/service providers, decision makers, and SMEs) in a series of consultation activities including surveys, interviews, workshops and bilateral exchanges, in order to identify the regional needs. After a first in-depth analysis of their feedback which was presented in the GEO-CRADLE meeting in Novisad, Serbia, GEO-CRADLE is now going to make a concrete first step through the 4 pilot/feasibility studies towards addressing the identified gaps and needs in relation to common regional challenges by creating the appropriate ecosystem, building the necessary toolbox, and providing a first tangible outcome.
The main goal of the pilot activities is not to develop new science, but to build on the integration of existing capacities (infrastructure, datasets, models, etc.) and skills within the relevant group of project partners that are involved towards the provision of improved EO Services in the Region of Interest (RoI). The pilots will span a period of 15 months, and the final results will be presented to relevant stakeholders (especially decision makers) in a dedicated workshop.
The objective of the GEO-CRADLE Workshop, which took place on 16 November 2016 in Limassol-Cyprus, was to analyse and discuss in detail the proposed refined scope of the pilot activities (WP4), on the basis of the gap analysis (WP3) and other inputs from partners.
The second day, 17th of November 2016, the scope of the pilot activities (WP4) was discussed thoroughly, including a concrete roadmap and a specific action plan, on the basis of the gap analysis (WP3) and other inputs from partners, taking also into consideration the conclusions from the dedicated thematic Workshops which were organised for each pilot.
Become a GEO-CRADLE Stakeholder and join an evolving Regional Network by filling in the GEO-CRADLE Survey.