- First NameNikos
- Last NameTziolas
- TitleMr
- PositionRS and GIS expert
- Email 1n_tziolas@hotmail.com
- Phone 1306981934144
- Organisation NameAristotle University of Thessaloniki
- DepartmentSchool of Agriculture - Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS
- TypeResearch & Academic
- Thematic AreaFood Security
- Website(s)labrsgis.web.auth.gr/index.php/en/
- Street NameFarm School of A.U.T.H
- Street No-
- Postal Code57001
- TownThermi, Thessaloniki
- CountryGreece
Activity Focus
- 1. Which of these statements best describe your Organisation’s role in the value chain?Raw data/providerValue-adder(data process-modelling)GIS/mapping service providerEnd User with in house GIS/ mapping capabilities
- 2. What are the main thematic areas of activity of your Organisation?Food security (including agriculture and water extremes i.e. floods and droughts)
- 3. Has your organisation participated in EO-related projects?Yes
- Please provide links where applicable (e.g. FP& BEYOND – website URL), or any other information that you find usefulEU-ERDF AGRO_Less - http://agrolessproject.eunFP7 MyWater - mywater-fp7.eunEU ECO - satellite - eco-satellite.eu
- 4. Has your Organisation participated in any Copernicus service provision, Copernicus User requirements definition or Copernicus Research & Innovation action?N/A
- 5. Has your Organisation participated in any GEO/GEOSS SBA Tasks, community activities or initiatives?No
- 6. How would you rate your Organisation’s level of collaboration with other EO actors in your country or abroad?
- A. In your CountryModerate(5-10 actors)
- B. AbroadModerate(5-10 Actors)
- From the list below, please choose all the domains in which your organisation has capacities. 2) Ground-based/In-situ monitoring networks/facilities (of active or passive remote sensors- meteo/atmospheric/water sensors- etc)3) Modelling and computing processing capacities4) EO data exploitation for the provision of value-adding services and products
- 1. What type of ground-based/in-situ networks or facilities do you operate?Hydrometric/Water QualitySoil attributes/Spectra
- What is the geographic coverage/extent?Local
- Is your network of stations/facilities registered in some National/Regional/International network(s)?Yes
- Number of stations2
- What is the geographic coverage/extent?Local
- Is your network of stations/facilities registered in some National/Regional/International network(s)?N/A
- 2. From the list below, please choose all the networks for which you systematically collect and store data. Soil attributes/Spectra
- Contact details of the person in charge. (Please provide name, email and phone number)Dr.Eng. Andreas Kallioras\nAssistant Professor\nNational Technical University of Athens \nSchool of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering\nLaboratory of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology\nHeroon Polytechniou Str. 9\n15780 Zografou | Athens | Greece\n\nTel: +30 210 772 2098\nFax: +30 210 772 2117\n\nEmail: kallioras@metal.ntua.gr
- Start Year2012
- Contact details of the person in charge. (Please provide name, email and phone number)Dr.Eng. Andreas Kallioras\nAssistant Professor\nNational Technical University of Athens \nSchool of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering\nLaboratory of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology\nHeroon Polytechniou Str. 9\n15780 Zografou | Athens | Greece\n\nTel: +30 210 772 2098\nFax: +30 210 772 2117\n\nEmail: kallioras@metal.ntua.gr
- End YearOn going
- Are METADATA available?N/A
- Start Year2014
- End YearOn going
- What is the temporal resolution of data acquisition?Other
- Other Temporal ResolutionMonthly
- Data availability/access:Access to Past Archives
- What is the main data policy applied?License Restricted
- Model/Algorithm1
SVM and ANN algorithms and regressions statistics for predictionnkriging, random forest for geo-interpolation
- Which of the following application area(s) does the model serve? Soil attributes/Spectra
- Please specify the source of EO data used in the model.Geospatial data (e.g.DTM)Remote sensing data (e.g raw satellite high-level images)
- What is the geographic coverage/extent the model applies to?LocalNational
- Does your Organisation have sufficient available computing resources for the processing and exploitation of EO data and the models running?Processing Power Capacity (CPU-RAM-Storage Capacity)
- Please specify
up to 10 computers with 4 GB RAM and at least 2 with 8GB RAM
- Do you deliver services / products that are based on the exploitation of EO data? Yes
- Which of the following areas do your products/services cover? You can choose more than one Ecosystems(desertification-environmental impact- pollution)Land Use/Cover & Change (classified activities and statistics)Agriculture (farming-crops-yield-etc)
- Please provide some additional details and/or give concrete examples of the products/services.
Themetic maps in order to support precision agriculture. These maps have been provided during the AGRO_LESS project.
- Do you provide these products/services freely or on a commercial basis?All are provided freely
- Are you using open EO data sources (e.g. EOSAT, USGS, NASA, ESA) for providing services and which?
Landsat, MODIS (forthcoming Sentinel 2)
National Activities
- 1. Is there funding for EO activities available in your country? N/A
- 2. Is there a National Space Policy/Strategy? N/A
- 3. Is there a Space Agency in your country? No
- 4. Which of the following best describes the level of coordination of EO activities in your country? N/A
- 5. Which of the following best describes the level of interaction between the EO community and decision makers in your country?Scarce
- 6. Can you give examples of high impact EO dedicated workshops organized in your country in the last decade?
Development of an integrated geo-information system for soil data and delineation of the agricultural national zones" (ΟPEKEPE- Organization for subsidies payments and controls, 2012-2014)
Engagement in GEO-CRADLE
- 1. Would your Organisation be interested in contributing with its capacities to a regional initiative of GEO and/or Copernicus, addressing regional needs in the domains of Climate Change, Access to Raw Materials, Energy, Food Security and Water? Yes
- 2. Would you be interested in providing feedback to the GEO-CRADLE consortium for establishing a roadmap for the implementation of GEO and Copernicus in North Africa, Middle East and the Balkans? Yes
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