- First NameOgnyan
- Last NameKounchev
- TitleProf
- PositionProfessor
- Email 1kounchev@abv.bg
- Phone 1+35929793851
- Organisation NameInstitute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- TypeResearch & Academic
- Thematic AreaOther
- Website(s)www.math.bas.bg
- Street NameAcad. G. Bonchev St.
- Street No8
- Postal Code1113
- TownSofia
- CountryBulgaria
Activity Focus
- 1. Which of these statements best describe your Organisation’s role in the value chain?Value-adder(data process-modelling)
- 2. What are the main thematic areas of activity of your Organisation?Other
- Other Thematic AreasGeophysical data analysis
- 3. Has your organisation participated in EO-related projects?N/A
- 4. Has your Organisation participated in any Copernicus service provision, Copernicus User requirements definition or Copernicus Research & Innovation action?N/A
- 5. Has your Organisation participated in any GEO/GEOSS SBA Tasks, community activities or initiatives?N/A
- 6. How would you rate your Organisation’s level of collaboration with other EO actors in your country or abroad?
- A. In your CountryModerate(5-10 actors)
- Please expand on the collaboration if appropriate, indicating if possible the contact details of these EO actors.
Institute of Geodesy, Geophysics and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
NIMH, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
SRTI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia University, Faculty of Physics - B. AbroadModerate(5-10 Actors)
- From the list below, please choose all the domains in which your organisation has capacities. 3) Modelling and computing processing capacities4) EO data exploitation for the provision of value-adding services and products
- Model/Algorithm1
Statistics and Data Analysis, Machine learning, Deep learning
- Which of the following application area(s) does the model serve? Meteorologic/ClimaticOther (e.g. Earthquake/Volcanic/Landslide)
- Please specify the source of EO data used in the model.Geospatial data (e.g.DTM)Remote sensing data (e.g raw satellite high-level images)In situ data (e.g. temperature-pressure-humidity)
- What is the geographic coverage/extent the model applies to?Global
- Contact details of the person in charge
- Which of the following application area(s) does the model serve? *Other(e.g. Earthquake/Volcanic/Landslide)
- Please specify the source of EO data used in the model.Remote sensing data (e.g. raw satellite high-level images)In-situ data (e.g. temperature-pressure-humidity)
- What is the geographic coverage/extent the model applies to?NationalGlobal
- Contact details of the person in charge
- Which of the following application area(s) does the model serve? *Atmospheric Composition/ProfilingOther(e.g. Earthquake/Volcanic/Landslide)
- Please specify the source of EO data used in the model.In-situ data (e.g. temperature-pressure-humidity)Other
- Do you deliver services / products that are based on the exploitation of EO data? No
National Activities
- 1. Is there funding for EO activities available in your country? Yes
- If yes, specify the case(s).Yes- for R&D
- 2. Is there a National Space Policy/Strategy? Yes
- 3. Is there a Space Agency in your country? No
- 4. Which of the following best describes the level of coordination of EO activities in your country? Basic
- 5. Which of the following best describes the level of interaction between the EO community and decision makers in your country?In specific thematic areas
Engagement in GEO-CRADLE
- 1. Would your Organisation be interested in contributing with its capacities to a regional initiative of GEO and/or Copernicus, addressing regional needs in the domains of Climate Change, Access to Raw Materials, Energy, Food Security and Water? Yes
- 2. Would you be interested in providing feedback to the GEO-CRADLE consortium for establishing a roadmap for the implementation of GEO and Copernicus in North Africa, Middle East and the Balkans? Yes
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