
The GEO-CRADLE consortium brings together 19 organisations as full partners, including 4 international organisations: EURISY, EARSC, EGS, CEDARE and 5 organisations as “third-party” partners, and 1 organisation from a collaborating country. This allows covering the complete EO value chain, ensuring sufficient representation of the most important players in the Region of Interest. All together the GEO-CRADLE organisations form a unique combination of:

  • Proven scientific excellence and expertise in relation to the global challenges addressed by GEO and Copernicus.
  • Strong international and/or regional engagement promoting the vision of GEO and Copernicus for the uptake of EO services and applications.
  • Extensive experience from coordination of and/or involvement in GEO, GEOSS and Copernicus-related projects.
  • Solid experience in maintaining, operating and integrating high-performance, large coverage infrastructures.
  • Strong representation and links with EO stakeholders across the whole value chain (scientific community, service and data providers, end-users and decision makers).