
GEO-CRADLE Initiative

Coordinating and integrating Earth Observation activities


Thematic Areas

Climate Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC)
Agriculture Improved Food Security – Water Extremes Management (IFS-WEM)
Access to Raw Materials (ARM)
Access to Energy (SENSE)
Water Resources Management (WRM)
Disasters Management (DIM)



GEO-CRADLE Initiative Regions


GEO-CRADLE Roadmap for the future implementation of GEOSS and Copernicus
in the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa regions


Read the GEO-CRADLE Roadmap for the future implementation of GEOSS and Copernicus in the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa regions

Networking Platform

Become part of the GEO-CRADLE Earth Observation Community and engage with other EO stakeholders in the Balkans, North Africa and Middle East.

Regional DataHub

Access, search and share Earth Observation Data for the three regions.

Maturity Level

Find out the Maturity Indicators and country EO profiles

Feasibility Studies – Pilots

Latest news & events

Social Media Feed

6 years ago

Our last “mission” in Turkey is starting in a while!
15th GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop,Istanbul, 15 & 16 March!

6 years ago
Group on Earth Observations

Data collected on the Earth is increasingly being made open and free, but what happens when those who need it don’t have access?

GEO talks about the role of GEONETCast where connectivity is ... See more

6 years ago
Invitation RSCy2018 EXCELSIOR final.pdf

INVITATION by Excelsior project!

Join EXCELSIORs Regional Interactive Workshop to explore ways of collaborating and opportunities in Research, Education and Entrepreneurship in Earth Observation and ... See more

6 years ago
Copernicus EU

ActInSpace® is an international innovation contest inspiring people worldwide to create startups based on space technologies, data and infrastructure to tackle the world's biggest challenges. ... See more

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