Call for Proposals: Collaborative Data Innovations for Sustainable Development

The Secretariat would like to bring to your attention the Call for Proposals on Collaborative Data Innovations for Sustainable Development issued by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD). GEO has been a framework and platform to foster collaboration on Earth observation data production, dissemination, processing and integration for the purpose of informing decision-making within, and across, many different Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs). The identification of the role that Earth observation and geospatial data can play in measuring and monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is among one of our top priorities, as articulated in the Global Initiative Earth Observations in Service of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (GI-18).
As an Anchor Partner of GPSDD, we hope GEO’s resources and efforts could be leveraged in the SDG process. Therefore we encourage the GEO community to take advantage of GPSDD’s funding opportunity to work on tangible and demonstrative Earth observation services and products that could be achieved in two years.
We will be very pleased to receive your feedback on any proposals as early as possible to find where the Secretariat might be helpful. The Secretariat contact point for this effort is Ms Wenbo Chu (
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