GEO-CRADLE networking event, 03/01/2017, Chişinău, Moldova

Organised by the National Observatory of Athens, GEO-CRADLE Project Coordinator and kindly hosted by the State Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Moldova.

Presentations & Minutes:
GEO-CRADLE contribution towards inventorying of capacities and user needs, gap analysis, maturity indicators and priorities, addressing regional challenges (in the fields of adaptation to climate change, improved food security and water extremes management, better access to raw materials and energy) and implementing GEOSS & Copernicus, by Ms Alexia Tsouni, GEO-CRADLE Project Coordination Team
Presentation of the GEO-CRADLE survey of the regional Earth Observation (EO) capacities, by Ms Alexia Tsouni, GEO-CRADLE Project Coordination Team