GEO-CRADLE Partner CUT at the International Conference on Remote Sensing and GeoInformation of Environment, 20-23/03/2017, Pafos

Keynote speakers include:
- Jérôme Béquignon, European Space Agency. 2017 – A Promising Year For Earth Observation
- Nicolae Mitu, European Commission Belgium. Copernicus For Cultural Heritage
- Vincent Ambrosia, NASA. NASA Earth Science And Applications: New Perspective And Opportunities In A Changing World
- Athanassios Ganas, National Observatory of Athens. Advanced Space Techniques For Natural Hazard Mapping And Monitoring
- Felix Puls, Leica Geosystems AG. Leica Geosystems Airborne Sensor Portfolio
Workshops include:
- Remote Sensing for Cultural Heritage Beyond Europe
- Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage By Means of New and Old Media
- Exploitation of Copernicus data at ERDAS IMAGINE
- Defense and Security Applications