EASME: Societal Challenge 5 - Work programme 2018-2020

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) would like to inform you that the draft Work Programme 2018-2020 related to the Societal Challenge 5 was pre-published on Tuesday 10 October and you will find it on the following pages:
Please note that this draft has not been adopted or endorsed by the European Commission. Any views expressed are the views of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the Commission.
This draft is made public before the adoption of the Work Programme 2018-2020 to provide potential participants with the currently expected main lines of this work programme. Only the adopted work programme will have legal value.
The adoption of the work programme will be announced on the Horizon 2020 website and on the Participant Portal.
The final version of the Work Programme will be published on 27 October.
Please be reminded that the SC5 Information-Days and brokerage event – 2018 calls – will take place on 8 and 9 November 2017 in Brussels in the European Commission’s Charlemagne building.
While the event is already fully booked and it is not possible to register, you can still follow it online, as it will be web streamed on the page
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