GEO-CRADLE session at GEPW, 21/06/2017, Helsinki

The purpose of the conference is to bring together European stakeholders interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS). The event is a forum to exchange ideas and inform participants about work and initiatives undertaken in the context of GEOSS.
GEO-CRADLE and GEO Secretariat are organizing a dedicated session in this event, on Wednesday 21 June entitled “GEO capacity development, contribution to SDGs and realization of regional impacts derived from GEO European Projects”.
DOWNLOADS: Session Agenda
Session 17: GEO capacity development, contribution to SDGs and realization of regional impacts derived from GEO European Projects – AURA ROOM |
Start Time |
Title of the presentation |
Speaker and affiliation |
Part 1. Setting the scene | ||
09:00 | GEO capacity development, contributions of GEPs related to capacity building and knowledge sharing. | Andiswa Mlisa – GEO SECRETARIAT |
09:10 | Engagement of stakeholders and networking. | Evangelos Gerasopoulos -National Observatory of Athens |
09:20 | GEO-CRADLE dissemination activities promoting GEO and Copernicus in the regions. | Eleni Christia – National Observatory of Athens |
09:30 | Implementing GEOSS through GCI. | Paola de Salvo – GEO Secretariat |
09:40 | Methodological aspects for assessing regional maturity and setting up regional action plans for addressing priorities and needs. |
Mónica Miguel-Lago – EARSC |
09:50 |
Questions |
Part 2: Brainstorming session (working in groups) | ||
10.00 – 10.45 | a) What is the best way to contribute to GEO capacity development (through GEPs and beyond GEPs) for the coming 10 years GEO implementation plan? Moderator: Andiswa Mlisa, GEO Secretariat. b) What is the best way for GEO capacity development to contribute to the SDGs (through GEPs and beyond GEPs)? Moderator: Mark Noort, HCP International. c) Geographical diversification of GEO capacity development, knowledge and data sharing: what factors need to be taken into account and what is the best approach (through GEPs and beyond GEPs)? Moderator: Paola De Salvo, GCI. |
10.45-11.15 |
Coffee Break |
11.15 | Brainstorming session (working in groups) – Continuing | |
Wrap-up from group discussions to the Plenary. | Group Moderators | |
Part 3: Regional experiences and assessing solutions (panel discussion with regional stakeholders) | ||
11.30 | Lefteris Mamais – National Observatory of Athens | |
11.40-13.00 |
Panel discussion & Wrap-up of the session: Jerome Bequignon – ESA, Afri Alliance – Uta Wehn, Hesham El- Askary – CEDARE, Haris Kontoes – NOA, GEO-CRADLE Project Coordinator. |
Moderator: Lefteris Mamais – National Observatory of Athens |