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ISSUE #7, January 2018
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2017 was a very productive year for the GEO-CRADLE project. During this year we organized in cooperation with our partners 8 regional workshops in the region of interest (Balkans, Middle East and North Africa) towards the implementation of GEO, GEOSS and Copernicus, identifying the local challenges and needs that can be addressed with the Earth Observation (EO), enabling more informed decision making, while seeking solutions to enhance growth and innovation in the geo-information sector. Furthermore, the GEO-CRADLE partners participated in several conferences and workshops all over the world, disseminating the added value of the project, the GEO priorities, and the Copernicus services. More information is available here.

In addition to that, during 2017, GEO-CRADLE launched both its Networking Platform and its Regional Data Hub, which are publicly available online from the project's portal. The Networking Platform provides a wealth of information on key EO stakeholders active in North Africa, Middle East, and the Balkans. The users can navigate through the profiles of stakeholders and be informed on the existing networks, capacities, skills, etc. in the entire region. Whilst the platform is primarily targeting stakeholders from the region, organisations from other countries are invited to become part of the network too. The Regional Data Hub provides access to both region-related datasets, portals, and services developed by a regional network of raw data providers, intermediate users/service providers, end-users from the industry, the academic and public sector from the region of interest, and, also, datasets and services directly fed from the GEOSS-portal. Discover the Networking Platform and the Regional Data Hub, register your profile and your data & services, and make the most of these opportunities!

Last but not least, GEO-CRADLE actively participated in the GEO Week 2017, 23-27 October 2017 in Washington D.C., USA, with a message "Fostering regional cooperation and roadmap for GEOSS and Copernicus". GEO Week 2017, consisting of GEO-XIV Plenary, side events and exhibition, highlighted and promoted the role, applications and opportunities to use EO in delivering 'Insight into a changing world. With a focus on delivery and impact
GEO Week 2017 explored the use and applications of EO in both the public and private sectors for the benefit of humankind.

From the GEO-CRADLE Team, best wishes for a productive New Year 2018!

GEO-CRADLE upcoming events:
GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop in the Middle East, March 2018, Istanbul, Turkey

The next GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop will focus on the EO in support of decision making, disseminating the outcomes of the 4 project pilots, in particular targeting key decision makers and national authorities. The pilots cover the following 4 key thematic areas: adaptation to climate change, improved food security & water extremes management, access to raw materials, and access to solar energy.

The Regional Workshop is jointly organized by Project Partners EURISY, Tubitak UZAY with the support of the Project Coordinator National Observatory of Athens (NOA), and it will take place in Istanbul in March 2018.

More information will be available soon on the GEO-CRADLE website.

GEO-CRADLE at the 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop, 2018, Frascati, Italy

GEO-CRADLE will participate in the 3rd GEO DATA PROVIDERS WORKSHOP at the European Space Agency in Frascati, Italy, 2018. The workshop dates are currently being discussed and updates will be given early 2018. The main goal of the workshop is to bring together data providers and users to share knowledge and best practices in the management and use of Earth Observation data while working together to enhance the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).

More information will be available soon on the GEO-CRADLE website.

GEO-CRADLE at the Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, 26-29 March 2018, Paphos, Cyprus

GEO-CRADLE will participate in the Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment in Paphos, Cyprus, from 26 to 29 of March 2018. This conference aims to bring together leading experts in the field of Remote Sensing and Geo-information. The Technical Program is open to all topics in Remote Sensing and Geo-information of Environment and related techniques and applications.

More information will be available soon on the GEO-CRADLE website.

GEO-CRADLE at the Soil Congress Symposium,
12-17 August 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

GEO-CRADLE partners will participate in the Soil Congress Symposium that will take place on August 12-17 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Our GEO-CRADLE partner from TAU, Prof Eyal Ben-Dor, is organising a session entitled "Remote Sensing Applied to Soil Science" and the deadline in order to submit an abstract is 20th of January 2018.
Please follow the abstract submission guidelines here.

GEO-CRADLE participation in the GEO Week 2017, 23-27/10/2017, Washington D.C., USA

Over 700 people from diverse geographies, sectors and technical areas came together in the GEO Week 2017 from 23-27 October 2017 in Washington D.C., USA, to explore the use and applications of Earth Observations for the benefit of humankind. 
GEO-CRADLE was one of the projects which participated in the GEO Week 2017 and presented its latest activities and contribution to GEOSS and Copernicus. The significant work of the GEO-CRADLE project was recognised and the project was included in the GEO 2017-2019 Work Programme.
Moreover, during the launching of EuroGEOSS (Side Event on 23/10), the GEO-CRADLE was included in the GEO Community Activities with Renewable Energies links and an overview was given of the GEO-CRADLE’s Solar Energy (SENSE) pilot for local authorities in Egypt.

In addition to these:
* Dr. Haris Kontoes, GEO-CRADLE Project Coordinator, NOA, presented the GEO-CRADLE Regional Data Hub using GEO DAB APIs in the demonstration GEO in ACTION on 23/10. 
* Professor Eyal Ben-Dor, GEO-CRADLE partner TAU, made a presentation on the role of soil spectral library for the food security issue in the side event Open geo data to achieve food security and sustainable agriculture for SDG 2030 on 23/10.
* Professor George Zalidis, GEO-CRADLE partner i-BEC, was one of the speakers in the panel on SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation in the side event Earth Observations in Service of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on 24/10.
* Ms Monica Miguel-Lago, GEO-CRADLE partner EARSC, presented the methodological aspects for assessing regional EO maturity in the side event From Data to Decisions to Impact - New Practices in Capacity Building for Earth Observations on 24/10.
* Prof. Hesham El-Askary, GEO-CRADLE partner from CEDARE shared the successful example of the Dynamical Solar Atlas of Egypt in the side event AfriGEOSS: Strengthening partnerships with African Diaspora on Earth Observations on 24/10. 

GEO-CRADLE participated also in the Exhibition in the European Commission booth with a stand and a poster dedicated to decisions makers.

The presentations and the report of the GEO-CRADLE participation in the GEO Week are available on the GEO-CRADLE website.

GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop in North Africa, 07/12/2017, Tunis, Tunisia

This successful regional workshop in Tunis on 7/12/2017 focused on identifying the potential local challenges and needs that can be addressed with the Earth Observation (EO), enabling more informed decision-making, while seeking solutions to enhance growth and innovation in the geo-information sector. Aiming to support knowledge sharing, capacity building, and an enhanced cooperation between academia and industry, the event also provided participants with a unique cross-sector networking opportunity. In addition, panel discussions took place with information on available EU funding in the EO sector.

The GEO-CRADLE Regional Workshop in Tunis was organized by Project Partner Research and Studies Telecommunications Centre (CERT) with with the support of the Project Coordinator National Observatory of Athens (NOA).

Find more details on the GEO-CRADLE website.

Upcoming Workshops & Conferences:

Outcomes of past events and the latest issue of GEO Newsletter:

Related Published PAPERS:
Copyright © 2016 GEO-CRADLE, All rights reserved.

The GEO-CRADLE project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 (H2020) research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690133.

Project Duration: 01/02/2016 - 31/07/2018 (30 Months)

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