GEO-CRADLE Partner EGS at the Copernicus for Raw Materials Workshop, 05/09/2016, Brussels

Access to Raw Materials is one of the pilot activities of GEO-CRADLE.

According to the organisers: „The objective of this workshop is to propose effective measures to support Copernicus uptake from private intermediate and end users. Specifically, the workshop will focus on the area of raw materials and extractive industries, as well as identifying potential research and development needs. In the raw material sector, several tasks within the mining lifecycle can be supported by means of remote sensing. This workshop will highlight potential Copernicus contributions to the extractive industries domain while focusing on new and emerging needs of the sector. The long term aim is to build an EU-level community of remote sensing users and service developers in the industry of raw materials and extractive industries.“

In the framework of its pilot activity on access to raw materials, GEO-CRADLE aims to define the roadmap that facilitates the access and exploitation of mineral resources in extensively under-explored areas, thus creating well sustained businesses, in compliance with widely recognised environmental protection principles. This will entail inter alia identifying existing capacities for monitoring of ground deformation during or after mining activities, mapping of waste materials, developing an appropriate protocol for the evaluation of the environmental impact of such activities and enriching the content of the Regional Data Hub with EO-based and in-situ information.

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септембар 26, 2016