GEO-CRADLE Partner i-Bec participation at the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon, 21-23/03/2017, Rome

Over 450 participants among which scientists and practitioners working in related fields, from 111 countries and all geographical regions gathered together for the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon, held from 21 to 23 March 2017 at FAO headquarters in Rome. They were actively involved in both presenting results of studies demonstrating the potential and challenges of managing SOC in different types of soil – such as peatland, black soils and permafrost soils, grasslands and livestock production system and dryland soils – as well as discussing and developing key messages. A participatory and reciprocal process of communicating scientific results, refining research questions, identifying knowledge gaps and defies/(delate) challenges for implementation were nurtured by integrating a broad range of relevant stakeholders. The meeting highlighted the multiple benefits related to maintenance and increase of SOC stocks such as food security and nutrition, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as achieving Land Degradation Neutrality and the Sustainable Development Goals.
See the presentation of i-Bec here.