
Prioritetne oblasti projekta




sl-03 c

Popis regionalnih kapaciteta za
osmatranje Zemlje

Popuni upitnik i pridruži
se regionalnoj mreži survey

Pilot aktivnosti

Pratite naše pilot aktivnosti u okviru četiri tematske oblasti: adaptacija na klimatske promene, poboljšanja u oblasti upravljanja bezbednošću prehrane i vodama u uslovima vremenskih nepogoda, i bolji pristup sirovinama i pristup izvorima energije

Upitnik & Platforma za umrežavanje

Pridružite se našem tekućem istraživanju regionalnih kapaciteta za osmatranje Zemlje. Postanite deo GEO-CRADLE zajednice za osmatranje Zemlje i povežite se sa ostalim EO interesnim stranama sa Balkana, iz Severne Afrike i sa Bliskog Istoka

Baza podataka

Pristup, pretraživanje i deljenje podataka o osmatranjima Zemlje u okviru sva tri regiona

Prilike za finansiranje

Istražite prilike u vezi sa dostupnim finansiranjem i otkrijte benefite GEO-CRADLE mreže. Povežite se sa ključnim interesnim stranama i poboljšajte Vaše poslovne perspektive.

Najnovije vesti i događaji

Važni događaji

Sadržaj socijalnih medija

5 years ago
AWS grant

GEO and Amazon Web Services collaborate to provide cloud credits for projects that improve understanding of our planet

GEO member agencies and research organizations from developing countries are ... See more

The intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is leading a worldwide effort to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) over the next 10 years.

5 years ago
Climate from Space Competition

Art and Science!
ESA is giving this opportunity to artists in order to submit an original concept that conveys the theme of “Climate from Space”!
More info at: ... See more

The European Space Agency's Climate Office seeks to develop new creative outreach material to communicate its work to the public.We invite artists to submit an original concept that conveys the ... See more

5 years ago
Photos from Geo-Cradle's post

"The GEO-CRADLE Initiative: Coordination and Integration of EO Activities Accelerating the Development of Links with Copernicus & GEO/GEOSS" presented this morning by Alexia Tsouni, NOA, in the ... See more

5 years ago

Our members in Morocco, the Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (CRTS) are hosting our 2018 #MembersDay today in Rabat! An opportunity to get together our community to exchange on space ... See more

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