GEO-CRADLE at GEO Week 2018, 29 October-2 November 2018 , Kyoto, Japan

GEO-CRADLE participated in the GEO Week 2018 which took place in Kyoto from 29th of October to 2nd of November 2018.
Over 500 people from diverse geographies, sectors and technical areas came together from 29 October – 2 November 2018 in Kyoto, explored the efforts and opportunities for the use of Earth observations for the benefit of humankind, focusing on GEO’s three priority areas: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
GEO-CRADLE and ERASC organised a side event on “Identifying, communicating and delivering the value of Earth Observations. A regional approach” , which which took place on Monday 29/10/2018 at 08.30-12.30.
The agenda of the side event is available here.
The scope of each panel discussion and the related presentations of the side event are available in the following links.
Session 1: The importance of sustained EO activities at regional level
Panel discussion 1: The importance of sustained EO activities at regional level
Presentation by EARSC: Why is it important to have coordinated EO activities at regional level and what are the key challenges you see?
Session 2: Moving from research to business
Panel discussion 2:Moving from Research to Business
Presentation by GEO-CRADLE: The GEO-CRADLE Pilots’ experience
Session 3: Measuring the value in EO data and communicating it to stakeholders
Panel discussion 2: Measuring the value in EO data and communicating it to stakeholders
Presentaion by EARSC: The Value of EO: A Regional Approach
Presentation by GEO Secretariat: Communicating the value of EO
Presentation by Jay Pearlman: Identifying, communicating and delivering the value of Earth Observations
Session 4: Developing the Future
Presentation by GEO-CRADLE: Insights from the GEO-CRADLE Roadmap
Panel Discussion 4: Developing the Future
The side event is available at GEO Youtube channel.