Geo-Cradle Kick-Off Meeting Presentations

You can find the presentations given at the Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) and pre Kick-Off Meeting (PKOM) below:
All the presentations of Geo-Cradle’s Kick-Off Meeting can be downloaded from here.
NB: Please note that only sessions presentations that the authors gave the approval to be published have been uploaded.
GEO-CRADLE Kick-Off Meeting | Friday, 19th of February, 2016 | |||
1 | Introductory Session: Team Presentation, Project Overview and H2020 Guidelines | ||
1.1 | GEO-CRADLE Overview: Project objectives and overall approach | C. Kontoes (NOA) | [Presentation] |
1.2 | The European GEO context for GEO-CRADLE by EC Project Officer | Jose Miguel Rubio Iglesias, DG
Research & Innovation, I4 |
[Presentation] |
1.3 | H2020 Project Management Guidelines by EC project officers | Gaëlle Le Bouler (EC/EASME)
Malgorzata Rogival (EC/EASME) |
[Presentation] |
1.4 | Financial and legal matters | Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | [Presentation] |
2 | Panel Session 1: Project Coordination and Management | ||
2.1 | Brief Presentations on management structure and tools, regional coordination and liaison activities | Project Coordination Team | [Presentation] |
3 | Panel Session 2: Regional EO capacities, gaps and priorities | ||
3.1 | Inventory of regional capacities and user needs | Panel led by CIMA with the participation of WP2 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
3.2 | Gap Analysis, indicators and priorities | Panel led by INS with the participation of WP3 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
4 | Panel Session 3: Contributions to specific challenges, GEOSS and Copernicus | ||
4.1 | Pilots towards Regional Challenges | Panel led by IBEC with the participation of WP4 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
4.2 | Regional Contribution to GEOSS and Copernicus | Panel led by NOA with the participation of WP5 Task leaders | [Presentation] |
5 | Panel Session 4: Engagement and Exploitation | ||
5.1 | Communication and Engagement | Panel led by NOA with the participation of WP6 Task Leaders | [Presentation] |
5.2 | Impact and Exploitation | Presentation by EARSC and NOA | [Presentation] |
GEO-CRADLE Pre Kick-Off Meeting | Thursday, 18th of February, 2016 | |||
1 | EuroGeoSurveys(EGS) networking event | ||
1A | GEO-CRADLE project presentations | EGS | |
1A.1 | National Observatory of Athens (NOA) | C. Kontoes | [Presentation] |
1A.3 | Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group from EuroGeoSurveys (EOEG) | Gerardo Herrera | [Presentation] |
1A.4 | Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group from EuroGeoSurveys (EOEG)
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME) |
Eleftheria Poyiadji | [Presentation] |
1B & 1C | Presentations of every Geological Survey | EGS | |
1B.1 | EO-MINERS and Minerals 4EU | Veronika Kopačková
Czech Geological Survey (CGS) |
[Presentation] |
1B.2 | FOREGS Geochemical Atlas of Europe and GEMAS – GEochemical Mapping of Agricultural and grazing land Soil of Europe | Alexandros (Alecos) Demetriades
EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group |
[Presentation] |
1B.3 | Integrated Technologies for Minerals Exploration, Pilot Project for Nickel Ore Deposits : RAW MATERIALS & EARTH OBSERVATION -EO | Dr. Marianthi Stefouli
[Presentation] |
1B.4 | SNAP-SEE: Sustainable Aggregates Planning in South East Europe | Kiki Hatzilazaridou
[Presentation] |
1B.5 | ProMine: Nano-particle products from new mineral resources in Europe | Vassiliki Angelatou
[Presentation] |
1B.6 | GEO.M.IN.D.: Geophysical Multilingual Internet-Driven Information Service
In.Geo.Cloud.S.: INspired GEOdata CLOUD Services |
Dr. Artemios Atzemoglou
[Presentation] |
1C.1 | AGS: Albanian Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.2 | HGI-CGS: Croatian Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.3 | GSDC: Geological Survey Department of Cyprus | [Presentation] | |
1C.4 | CGS: Czech Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.5 | FBiHGeological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina | [Presentation] | |
1C.6 | GSRM: Geological Survey of the Republic of Macedonia | [Presentation] | |
1C.7 | IGME: Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration | [Presentation] | |
1C.8 | KGS: Kosovo Geological Survey | [Presentation] | |
1C.9 | GSM: Geological Survey of Montenegro | [Presentation] | |
1C.10 | GSRSBH: Geological Survey of the Republic of Srpska | [Presentation] | |
1C.11 | GIR: Geological Institute of Romania | [Presentation] | |
2 | Regional workshop on WP2 – Inventory of capacities and user needs | ||
2.1 | Introduction & Overview of WP2 requirements
Introduce the goals, agenda and outline of WP2 Overview of contract requirements
(WP2 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.2 | Previous experience in inventorying the RoI
(from other regional GEO and Copernicus projects) |
All | |
2.2.1 | BRAGMA: Bridging Actions for GMES and Africa | Eyal Ben Dor
Tel Aviv University |
[Presentation] |
2.2.2 | Highlights of EO-MINERS FP7 Projects | Eyal Ben Dor
Tel Aviv University |
[Presentation] |
2.2.3 | PanAfGEO project | EuroGeoSurveys
Polish Geological Institue – National Research Institute POLAND |
[Presentation] |
2.2.4 | TÜBİTAK UZAY | Space Technologies Research Institute | [Presentation] |
2.2.5 | Balkan GEO Net | Grigoris Chatzikostas
InoSens |
[Presentation] |
2.2.6 | Implementation of a Balkan Land Monitoring System | inter-Balkan Environment Center (i-BEC) | [Presentation] |
2.2.7 | PanGeo Project | Gerardo Herrera
EuroGeoSurveys |
[Presentation] |
2.3 | Space-borne capacities (T2.1) | CIMA
(T2.1 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.4 | In-Situ Networks (T2.2) | EGS
(T2.2 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.5 | Modelling and Computing Facilities (T2.3) | IPB
(T2.3 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
2.6 | User Need Analysis (T2.4) | EURISY
(T2.4 Leader) |
[Presentation] |
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